HSR Seminar: CEED Scholars

April 20, 2023 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Zoom Meeting

Registration Required: Register Here

The social determinants of health (SDoH), including edcuation access, community structure, economic stability, healthcare access, and the environment are conditions in which people are born and live. Despite the consequences of SDoH on health, health care, and research, the dermatology community may have limited exposure to data, projects, and advocacy focused on the SDoH. Our goal was to quantify the frequency of SDoH terminology in four journals of dermatology literature to better understand the prevalence of SDoH discussion. In these four key journals, lack of healthcare access, lack of education, and pvoerty have individually been associated with increased susceptibility and severity of skin diseases. However, there remains a need for increased literature on social stress, food insecurity, and adverse childhood events.

Pain and depression are interrelated and major causes of disability in the United States. However, we lack an understsanding of the potential sensory neural basis for this relation. The purpose of this study was to use quantitative sensory testing (QST) to evaluate changes in pain intensity (sensory pain) and unpleasantness (emotional pain) among subjects with depression before and after Ketamine infusion.