CRHC Grant Proposal Review

CRHC Grant Proposal Review


The CRHC promotes the conduct of high-quality health services research, and CRHC investigators have a proven track record of developing excellent research proposals, obtaining impressive funding from those proposals, and performing outstanding research supported by those efforts.

In the past, the CRHC put a formal internal grant review process in place to ensure that proposals met high standards, making them more likely to be funded. More recently, because many faculty receive internal review through other processes outside the CRHC, fewer formal internal grant reviews are occurring. Despite this, the quality and success of CRHC investigators' research proposals has never been greater. 

Thus, prior CRHC internal review procedures can be modified from enforcing a review mandate to, instead, facilitating and assisting internal reviews that are already the norm.

The review facilitation process will be overseen by Ken Smith, MD, MS with administrative support provided by Monica Loughran. Their responsibilities include:

  • Assisting investigators, when needed, in obtaining timely internal scientific reviews;
  • Advising investigators, when necessary and in concert with internal reviewers, on areas where proposals could be improved;
  • Providing regular reports and feedback on review efforts to internal reviewers and CRHC leadership.

For Principal Investigators

For Reviewers