Affiliated Faculty & Collaboration

CRHC Affiliated Faculty

As a multidisciplinary center, we invite collaboration from faculty outside our Division and throughout the allied health sciences. If your area of research or methodological expertise overlaps with or complements the work we are doing, we encourage you to reach out to our Center for more information, or contact our faculty directly to explore opportunities for collaboration.

Benefits of becoming CRHC affiliated faculty

CRHC affiliated faculty benefit from: 

  1. Expanded opportunities to collaborate on research grants and contracts, institutionally funded projects, and industry-sponsored research.
  2. Access to large-scale systems and infrastructure that promote health services research. CRHC faculty are valued members—as leaders or experienced collaborators—in a number of organizations that bring the power of ‘big data’ and operational resources to bear on research questions. These CRHC partners include:
  • NIDA Clinical Trials Network
  • UPMC Center for High-Value Health Care
  • CTSI

3. Eligibility for CRHC’s internal scientific review of research proposals, as described here.  


Affiliated faculty must:

  • Attend a minimum of 8 Health Services Research seminars per year (of 30+ events), delivered by leaders in a diverse array of research areas and methodologies
  • Participate as a CRHC internal scientific reviewer at least once per year (if requested)